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100.逆来顺受如如 Remaining thus, thus unmoving he accepts adversity
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Remaining thus, thus unmoving he accepts adversity

The Master called on the Abbot Yueh Lang who, after inquiring about the others on the mountain, requested that the Master assume a staff position for the forthcoming meditation session. The master politely declined, not mentioning his fall into the river. He asked just to be allowed to take part in the meditation. The rules in this monastery were very strict. The refusal to accept responsibility is considered an insult to the members of the monastery. Therefore, the Master was beaten with the incense board in the hall. He quietly accepted this punishment, but his sickness was aggravated. Blood and semen drained from his body. The Master silently awaited his own death.

The verse says:
Against overbearing the odds and adversity, calm and composed he remained.
He accepted insult without complaint or resentment, just as the ancient worthies before him.
By putting down both body and mind, he sought within himself;
The roots, dusts, and consciousness, all disappeared.

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上一篇:101.看破放下自在 Gaining self- mastery, he sees through everything and puts it all down
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