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106. 骑金龙见生母 Riding a golden dragon and seeing his mother
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Riding a golden dragon and seeing his mother

One night, while absorbed in dhyana meditation, in a dream which wasn't a dream, the Master suddenly saw a flying golden dragon alight. It was several tens of feet long and glittered with golden light. The Master mounted the dragon and ascended through the sky to a dark green wooded area, which flourished with flowers of rare beauty. There were exquisitely adorned palaces and pagodas everywhere. He saw his mother gazing out from one of the pagodas and called to her, "come mount the dragon so we can fly to the West!" As the dragon descended, the Master suddenly returned to ordinary awareness.

The gatha says:
A flying dragon came from the heavens and spied a noble man.
Illusory pagodas and towers in empty space appeared to be real enough.
He invited his mother to accompany him to the Western Land.
When the vision was over, he was sitting as before -- alone on a mat of straw.

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上一篇:107. 扶疾燃指供佛 Despite his sickness, burning off his finger as an offering to the Buddha
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