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115.戒台寺礼飞钵祖塔 Paying his respects to the stupa of Patriarch Fei Po at Chieh Tai Monastery
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Paying his respects to the stupa of Patriarch Fei Po3 at Chieh T'ai4 Monastery

When he reached T'an Che Mountain, the Master called on Bhikshu Yi Hsing (Extraordinary Practice), and at Chich T'ai (Precept Platform) Monastery, bowed to the stupa of Patriarch Dhyana Master Fei Po (Flying Bowl). At Hung Lo (Red Conch), he participated in a Buddha recitation session. Legend has it this eminent Sanghan lived in a thatched hut on that mountain. Wishing to establish a Way place, he sent a flying bowl into the royal palace. When the Empress saw it, she filled the bowl to the brim with gold. The bowl then flew back to that Dhyana Master, who used it to build Chieh T'ai (Precept Platform) Monastery. He constructed dragon-thrones made of sink-in-water incense (aloeswood)5.

The gatha says:
The begging rounds of the flying bowl took it into the royal palace,
Where the Empress made a donation of one full bowl of gold.
Precept Platform Temple now stately stands
With its sink-in-water incense dragon thrones, one for each Master of the Ten Schools.

3. "Flying Bowl"
4. "Precept Platform"
5. A very rare and fragrant wood which sinks when placed in water, hence its name.

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 大方广佛华严经讲记 第一七一六卷[栏目:大方广佛华严经讲记·第十八集]
 佛教入门 二十七·五蕴浅说[栏目:佛教入门]



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