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No Ajahn Chah《093》
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《093》一位虔诚的年老妇女从邻省出发,开始她的朝圣之旅。他跟阿姜 查说,她只能停留短暂的时间,她必须回去照顾她的孙子;此外,因为她已经是位年老的妇女,所以她请问阿姜 查,是否可以给她做个简短的开示。於是,阿姜 查便非常强硬地答道:「嘿,听著!当下没有任何人存在,如此而已!没有主人、没有人年老、没有人年轻、没有人可以好或坏、虚弱或强壮,如此而已──只是自然的种种元素在运行罢了,一切皆空。没有人生,也没有人死!那些说生说死的人,是在说无知的童言。在心的语言裡,法的语言裡,没有生和死这档事。」

A devout elderly lady from a nearby province came on a pilgrimage to Wat Pah Pong. She told Ajahn Chah she could stay only a short time, as she had to return to take care of her grandchildren, and since she was an old lady, she asked if he could please give her a brief Dhamma talk. Ajahn Chah replied with great force, "Hay, listen! There’s no one here, just this! No owner, no one to be old, to be young, to be good or bad, weak or strong. Just this, that’s all - just various elements of nature going their own way, all empty. No one born and no one to die! Those who speak of birth and death are speaking the language of ignorant children. In the language of the heart, of Dhamma, there are no such things as birth and death."

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