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141.痲痹病迦叶入梦 Becoming paralyzed and seeing Mahakashyapa appear in a vision
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Becoming paralyzed and
Seeing Mahakashyapa appear in a vision

After that samadhi experience, the Master's feet became numb, and as the numbness spread, his whole body withered. He couldn't even hold chopsticks, and he had to be fed by others. His sight was gone, and he experienced extreme difficulty in talking. The doctors who came were not effective The Master had put everything down, however except for a money order sewn into his collar about which no one else knew. He thought of the causes and results involved, and as his tears fell, he prayed to the Venerable Kashyapa for aid. Dharma Master Miao Yuan (Wonderous Perfection) was at the Master's side giving him tea, as he continued to beseech the Venerable Kashyapa. In a vision, the latter told the Master: "Bhikshu! Do not leave your robe and bowl - use them as a pillow, and you will be cured!

The gatha says:
With internal disturbance and sudden sweat, his serious illness was cured
A message was mouthed to Master Miao, to seek medicine from Hua T'ou18.
A prescription consisting of Mu Chieh and Yeh Ming sifted together appeared;
Then, together with red beans, they were made into a gruel.

18. A brilliant surgeon who developed the art of acupuncture at the end of the Han Dynasty (3rd Century A.D.)

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