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145.牛求救屠改业 Helping an ox gain deliverance, and a butcher change profession
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Helping an ox gain deliverance, and a butcher changes profession

Reaching the town of T'eng Yueh, the Master stayed in Wan Shou (Ten Thousand Years) Temple. One day, as he was sitting and talking with the Provincial Governor Chang Sung Lin, a yellow ox suddenly appeared. It knelt down before the Master, shedding tears. Following it was a butcher named Yang Sheng Ch'ang, and several others. The Master said to the ox, "If you wish to live, you must take refuge with the Triple Jewel." The ox nodded its head and was given the Three Refuges. The owner of the ox, the butcher, vowed to change his profession, took refuge, and became a vegetarian. The governor recommended him for a job in a store.

The gatha says:
Substituting an ox for a sheep, Emperor Hsuan showed a princely heart.
With empathy reaching to even the birds and beasts, he governed with humaneness.
If Mencius had heard about this event, he would have come a thousand miles.
A yellow ox had taken refuge - a rarity in ten thousand years!

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