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当前栏目:[佛教禅修直解 Mindfulness In Plain English]文集

 Mindfulness In Plain English - About the Author - Preface 阅读:2941
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 1: Meditation: Why Bother? 阅读:2744
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 2: What Meditation Isnt 阅读:2192
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 3: What Meditation Is 阅读:2614
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 4: Attitude 阅读:2258
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 5: The Practice 阅读:2416
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 6: What To Do With Your Body 阅读:1993
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 7: What To Do With Your Mind 阅读:2132
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 8: Structuring Your Meditation 阅读:2101
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 9: Set Up Exercises 阅读:2126
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 10: Dealing With Problems 阅读:2421
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 11: Dealing with Distractions - I 阅读:2059
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 12: Dealing with Distractions - II 阅读:2126
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 13: Mindfulness (Sati) 阅读:2377
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 14: Mindfulness Versus Concentration 阅读:2160
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 15: Meditation In Everyday Life 阅读:5612
 Mindfulness In Plain English - Chapter 16: Whats In It For You 阅读:2093

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