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146.龙迎经官接旨 Observing a dragon welcoming the Imperial Tripitaka, and public officials doing the same
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Observing a dragon welcoming the Imperial Tripitaka, and public officials doing the same

Amidst lightning, crashes of thunder and great swells on Erh Hai Lake, they approached Ta Li Fu. The clouds and rainbows brought about unusual transformations of the scenery. No rain fell on the way to the monastery, but after a welcoming ceremony, when the Tripitaka was safe in the Great Hall, torrential rain fell. Afterwards, every day was clear, and it was said that the Dragon King of Erh Hai Lake was welcoming the Tripitaka. At this time, the Viceroy of Yunnan and Kueichow Provinces, Li Ching Yi, led a delegation of public officials who had received an Imperial order to welcome the Tripitaka. They personally witnessed the strange events described above, and marveled at the boundlessness of the Buddhadharma.

The gatha says:
The entire trip was very peaceful, without a drop of rain.
A host of thousands of people was protected by auspicious clouds.
On the thirtieth of the leap year month, an incense ceremony was held.
As the incense joyously rose, all in attendance experienced something they never had before.

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