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161.横逆相加囚缧绁 Being bound and incarcerated for no good reason
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Being bound and incarcerated for no good reason

It was 1916, and the Master was seventy-seven. Several years had passed since he had intended to bring back the jade Buddha donated by Upasaka Kao Wan Pang, which was being stored at the Kuan Yin Pavilion in Penang, Malaysia. Moreover, the Master had heard that there were many natives in that area who believed in the Buddha, so again he set out for the countries of the South Seas to visit various places there. In Burma, he lectured a Sutra. Later, arriving by ship in Singapore, the Master was questioned and falsely accused of being a revolutionary. He was detained from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., when finally a disciple, Hung Sheng Hsiang, who had previously taken refuge with the Master, arrived and paid the bail of five thousand dollars each for the party of six monks. The seal was affixed, and they went to Sheng Hsiang's place of business, where he entreated the Master to stay until after the New Year. Materials for the transportation of the jade Buddha back to China were donated.

The gatha says:
Falsely accused of being revolutionaries,
The six Sanghans were incarcerated.
Enduring hardships together in prison.
They'll be born by transformation in Buddhalands.

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