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171.就任涌泉寺住持 Becoming abbot of Yung Chuan Monastery
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Becoming abbot of Yung Ch'uan24 Monastery

The Master was ninety years old in 1929. During the first month of that year, he left Shanghai for Ku (Drum) Mountain, where he bowed to the stupas of the Patriarchs. Yang Yu Ching (Shu Chuang), the Chief Executive of Fukien Province and Secretary of the Navy, and Fang Sheng T'ao, the former Chief Executive, headed a group of public officials, scholars, monks, laymen, and other protectors of the Dharma to urge the Master to become Chief Abbot of Drum Mountain. This was where the Master first shaved his head and donned the monk's robes. As he recalled with strong sentiment his virtuous predecessors, he could not neglect his duty or retire from his responsibility. He accepted their request and set about restoring the monastery to its former glory.

The gatha says:
The ancient shrine of Bubbling Spring flourished during the T'ang.
There High Sanghans - dragons and elephants - crossed over the multitudes.
The tin staff of Master Yun was planted in a drum of stone,
As he restored the School's renown, through his teaching and cultivation.

24. "Bubbling Spring"

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