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184.敌机自撞焚毁 Watching enemy aircraft collide and be demolished
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Watching enemy aircraft collide and be demolished

In the fall, the Master renovated Wu Chin (Inexhaustible) Convent. One day, eight enemy bombers soared overhead. During this period, many senior government officials had been convening at the monastery to discuss national strategy. However, enemy intelligence had found this out, and now the bombers were hovering above the monastery and didn't go away. The Master told everyone, including the monks, to return to their rooms and not to move. He then went to the main hall, lit some incense, and sat in meditation. An enemy plane dropped a bomb which exploded outside the monastery complex on a riverbank in the grove. Then two of the bombers collided, crashed, and burned. The enemy planes never came back again.

The gatha says:
The enemy planes' exploding bombs were a violent, evil force.
In the halls of Nan Hua Monastery the military meetings had been discovered.
Under the Buddha's aiding protection, they were frightened, but not in danger.
For all depended on the elder monk, whose samadhi transformed a response.

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 见性成佛 第八天[栏目:如本法师]



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