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188.民逃难工免薪 Witnessing people fleeing from trouble; workers forego wages
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Witnessing people fleeing from trouble; workers forego wages

In 1945, the Master was one-hundred-and-six. Northern Canton Province had been invaded by and fallen to the Japanese. People fled the stricken areas, and came in large numbers to the monasteries. At first, everyone ate rice gruel, and later on just potato flour. During this very difficult period of chaos and military action, the Master had been escorted by General Li Han Yun and others to Ta Chueh (Great Enlightenment) Monastery on Yun Men (Cloud Gate) Mountain in the thirty-second year of the Republic (1944). He began to take care of the previously neglected monastery, and despite the unpeaceful times, he still went ahead with reconstruction projects. Bricklayers, stonemasons, and carpenters who were temporarily at the monastery donated their labor.

The gatha says:
Despite the chaos, the work began amidst redoubled vicissitudes.
The Master continued to aid the people; his heavy burden increased.
They vowed to undergo sweetness and suffering and those difficult times together.
What is more, the workers there did not ask for wages.

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