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191.詹宁士来皈依 Accepting Ananda Jennings to take refuge
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Accepting Ananda Jennings to take refuge

After the annual Spring Precept Period, the Master went to Canton, and then Hong Kong, to propagate the Dharma. In the winter, an American woman named Ananda Jennings flew from the United States to China seeking to verify her understanding of the Way. This laywoman's father was a Catholic priest and she herself had studied religion as a devotee for more than twenty years. But, realizing that the goals of Catholicism were not ultimate, she changed and began to practice Buddhist principles. Later, during a four-year stay in seclusion in India, she experienced an awakening, and hearing about the Master's reputation in Ch'an practice, very much wanted to see him. So she went to Nan Hua Monastery, where she took refuge under the Master, and received the Dharma name K'uan Hung (Broad and Vast). At the conclusion of the ensuing Ch'an meditation week, the Master, Upasika Jennings, and Ch'an Master To Lun were photographed together as a memorial.

The gatha says:
His disciples filled up thousands of worlds,
More than the number of sands in the Ganges River.
Here we bring up the case of Ananda Jennings,
Who was but one of the many taught by him.

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上一篇:192.无畏精神挽教难 Rescuing the teaching with fearless vigor
下一篇:190.安慈万里拜云公 Receiving the monk An Tzu who had traveled ten thousand li to pay his respects
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 29.般若堂习禅制 Training under the Chan r..
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 134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to sa..
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 163.水陆感应祥瑞 Performing a - Water and..
 75.大螺顶礼智慧灯 Paying his respects to t..
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