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Benefits of Learning Meditation
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Benefits of Learning Meditation

By the Venerable U Vimalaramsi 

Here are some of the benefits that you may have from practicing meditation on a regular basis.
There is no doubt in my mind that Meditation has a very clear ability to improve our daily lives.

A change in your life can begin with a just a . Send it to yourself in the mirror and to others every day. It's cheap. It's fun. It effects the world around you. Hey! It's free! right?
Always Remember:

"What you think and ponder on will be the inclination of your mind!"


Some of the Benefits you may obtain from the practice of meditation are:

Marked stress reduction
Higher self-esteem
Improved concentration
Increased productivity
Clarity of mind -resulting in less knee jerk actions and more responses.
More positive thinking
Better relationships
A sense of youthful happiness - reclaiming of the wonderment of life ( childlikeness ). Fun.
Openness to life - reclaiming some of the wonderment of living life as you stay in the present moment.
Reduced dependency on alcohol or other drugs or desire to stop altogether and to see what is real and genuine- experiencing the value of a clear mind.
At the deeper levels of meditation the blood sometimes cleans itself and you can heal the body more easily.
A significant lessening of Depression as we discover how mind really works...how depression occurs and how to get uncaught by it.
Become kinder to yourself.
Become kinder to others.
Developing an inner strength.
Reduction in mental chatter, busy mind, monkey mind! Better focus.
Marked improvement with sleeping and the advantages of good sleep.
Easy and happier rising in the morning. Not foggy minded anymore.
An ease of dealing with previously difficult situations. a new formula, new perspective for approaching things.
Achievement of your goals becomes easier and more natural and enjoyable again.

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