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193.云门骤变受奇刑 As Yun Men suddenly changes, undergoing cruel punishment
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As Yun Men suddenly changes, undergoing cruel punishment

The Master again went to Nan Hua Monastery to transmit the precepts in his one-hundred-and-eleventh year, 1950. He later returned to Yun Men Monastery and held several weeks of Ch'an meditation, during which some people gained awakenings. In 1951, the Master was one-hundred-and-twelve, and during the Spring Precept Period, Yun Men was invaded without warning. On the twenty-fourth day of the second lunar month, more than one hundred armed men suddenly appeared, surrounded the monastery, and confined the Sangha to the Dhyana Hall. No one was allowed to move. The Master Yun was detained in the Abbot's room. He was denied food and drink as well as the opportunity to relieve himself. The hoodlums ransacked the entire grounds, turning heaven and earth upside down, and subjected the residents to violent physical assault and verbal insult.

The gatha says:
They tortured the Master, looking for gold and silver.
The Sangha did not know what to say.
Hoodlums malevolently attacked the propitious monk:
The Master's blood flowed over his broken ribs.

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 摩诃般若波罗蜜经讲记 种善根品 7[栏目:摩诃般若波罗蜜经讲记·妙境法师]



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