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197.三佛寺观音七 Leading a Kuan Yin session at San Fo Monastery
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Leading a Kuan Yin session at San Fo Monastery

When they arrived at Ch'ao Chou, more than a thousand faithful people welcomed the Master ten li outside the city. He stayed at Ta Chien (Great Brightness) Monastery, and people who wished to bow to him clogged the roads. On the tenth, they took the Canton Hankow train north, and stayed at San Fo (Three Buddhas) Monastery when they arrived at Wu Ch'ang. Ch'en Chen Ju arranged for a doctor to treat the Master's painful wounds, and his condition improved slightly. He agreed to Abbot Hsin's request that he hold a Kuan Yin session, during which more than two thousand people took refuge. When the ceremonies ended, he continued north, despite his illness. The assembly requested that a group photograph be taken as a memorial.

The gatha says:
Old and infirmed, he still made the trip to help the great assembly.
His great resolve was strong indeed, connecting heaven and earth.
Passing through Three Buddhas Monastery, their picture was taken.
With a heart of utmost loyalty, he sought to repay the Dharma king.

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