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I. 请求和应许 Request and Acceptance (abhiyācaka, paṭiññāna)
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Ānāpāna Dīpanī


Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa

礼敬 世尊 阿罗汉 正等正觉者

I. Request and Acceptance (abhiyācaka, paṭiññāna)

I. 请求和应许

On the repeated request of the Lekaing Myosa Wunshindaw Kinwun Mingyi, I proceeded to Mandalay on the 11th waning day of the month of Tabaung 1265 B.E. (March 1904), and delivered sermons to the monks and the laity for three days and three nights while sojourning in front of the Kinwun Mingyi’s house.

在Lekaing Myosa Wunshindaw Kinwun Mingyi的再三请求下,我于1265 B.E. 塔巴翁月亏日(1904年3月11日)来到曼德勒城,逗留期间在Kinwun Mingyi的住所前,为比库和在家人做了三个白天和三个晚上的开示。

While I was thus engaged, the Kinwun Mingyi’s son, who is the myo-ok of Pathein, and one Maung Khin who is the head clerk of the Deputy Commissioner’s office in Mandalay, requested me to write a manual on the practice of mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasati) for their lifelong guidance and benefit. In accordance with that request, I, the presiding Sayādaw of Ledi Forest Monastery of Monywa, shall now expound concisely the Ānāpānasati Sutta as given in the Uparipaṇṇāsa of the Majjhima Nikāya (MN No. 118).

虽然如此忙碌,Kinwun Mingyi的儿子—勃生城的myo-ok,还有Maung Khin—曼德勒城的副税务长办公室的首席办事员,请求我为了他们的利益,写一本关于修习安那般那念的手册,作为他们终身的指导。依照这个请求,我,蒙育瓦雷迪森林寺院的主持西亚多,现在简要解释中部后五十经中的《安那般那念经》 (MN No. 118)。

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上一篇:II. 劝修,争取心成就 Exhortation to Practise and Strive for Spiritual Success
下一篇:安那般那手册 Manual of Mindfulness of Breathing 目录 Contents
 X. 协调义注和经文 The Commentary Reconcile..
 V. 为什么应该修习安那般那念 Why Mindfulness of ..
 XVII. 如何推进到内观 How to Proceed to Vip..
 XVI. 如何圆满明和解脱 How Knowledge and Del..
 XI. 第二组四法 The Second Tetrad
 VI. 安那般那念导向涅槃 Mindfulness of Breath..
 IX. 义注的方法 The Method of the Comment..
 XV. 如何圆满七觉支 How the Enlightenment F..
 VII. 禅修的姿势 Posture for Meditation..
 简短传记 A Short Biography
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