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IV. 身念先于止和观 Mindfulness of the Body before Tranquillity and Insight
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IV. Mindfulness of the Body before Tranquillity and Insight

IV. 身念先于止和观

If beings in this present life, therefore, fail to practise mindfulness of the body (kāyagatā-sati) and thus continue to live without control over their minds, they will drift and founder in future saṃsāra just as they have done in the past, even though they may be Buddhists. Absence of control over the mind is the certain path of drift in saṃsāra, because without control over the mind the work of tranquillity (samatha) and insight (vipassanā) cannot be undertaken. Gaining control of the mind is, on the other hand, the certain path to Nibbāna, because it enables the work of tranquillity and insight to be undertaken. The practice of mindfulness of the body is the effort to gain control of the mind.


Even though one is unable to undertake the higher work of tranquillity and insight, the Buddha said that if one can firmly control one’s mind and keep it successfully at will within one’s body, one enjoys the flavour of Nibbāna:


Amataṃ tesaṃ viraddhaṃ, yesaṃ kāyagatā-sati viraddhā.

Amataṃ tesaṃ aviraddhaṃ, yesaṃ kāyagatā-sati aviraddhā.

Amataṃ tesaṃ aparibhuttaṃ, yesaṃ kāyagatā-sati aparibhuttā.

Amataṃ tesaṃ paribhuttaṃ, yesaṃ kāyagatā-sati paribhuttā.

(Aṅguttara Nikāya, Ekaka-nipāta, Amata-vagga)

Those who have missed mindfulness of the body have missed Nibbāna.

Those who have not missed mindfulness of the body have not missed Nibbāna.

Those who have not utilised mindfulness of the body have not utilised Nibbāna.

Those who have utilised mindfulness of the body have utilised Nibbāna.





(增支部,一集, 不死品)(译注,参看《清净道论》身至念节,P243)

The essential meaning is that if one is established in mindfulness of the body one can successfully undertake the work of tranquillity and insight because one has firm control over one’s mind, thus it is certain that in this very life one cannot miss nibbāna. If, however, like the mad man, one has no control over one’s mind because one continues to neglect the work of mindfulness of the body, one is unable to fulfil the work of tranquillity and insight, and hence will miss nibbāna.


There are many degrees of control over one’s mind.


In this world, ordinary persons who are not insane have sufficient control over their minds to perform the various tasks, both individual and social, that arise among humans. This is one kind of control。


Within the Buddha-sāsana, keeping the morality consisting of sense control (indriyasaṃvara-sīla) is another kind of control. It is not, however, control that can be called dependable.


Establishing oneself in mindfulness of the body, being the proximate cause (padaṭṭhāna) of the meditative development of tranquillity and insight, is control that is firm. The attainment of access concentration (upacāra-samādhi), attained just before entering any of the jhānas, is control that is firmer. Firmer still is the attainment of absorption concentration (appanā-samādhi), attained during the jhānas. The attainment of the eight stages of absorption are controls that become progressively firmer as each higher stage is attained. In the matter of tranquillity, the attainment of the higher spiritual powers (abhiññās) represents the highest control.


This is the path of tranquillity called samatha-yānika.


The path of insight is called vipassanā-yānika.


Here ends the section showing that mindfulness of the body must precede the work of tranquillity and insight.


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上一篇:V. 为什么应该修习安那般那念 Why Mindfulness of Breathing Should Be Practised
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