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VIII. 第一组四法 The First Tetrad
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VIII. The First Tetrad

VIII. 第一组四法

1. So sato’va assasati sato’va passasati.

2. Dīghaṃ vā assasanto dīghaṃ assasāmīti pajānāti. Dīghaṃ vā passasanto dīghaṃ passasāmīti pajānāti. Rassaṃ vā assasanto rassaṃ assasāmīti pajānāti. Rassaṃ vā passasanto rassaṃ passasāmīti pajānāti.

3. Sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmīti sikkhati. Sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmīti sikkhati.

4. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ assasissāmīti sikkhati. Passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ passasissāmīti sikkhati.

1. The yogī (one devoted to mental training) mindfully exhales an out-breath, and mindfully inhales an in-breath. [4]

2. When a long breath is exhaled, he knows that he exhales a long out-breath. When a long breath is inhaled, he knows that he inhales a long in-breath. When a short breath is exhaled, he knows that he exhales a short out-breath. When a short breath is inhaled, he knows that he inhales a short in-breath.

3. While exhaling, he tries to experience the entire out-breath—its beginning, middle, and end. While inhaling, he tries to experience the entire in-breath—its beginning, middle, and end.

4. As he exhales, he tries to allay and calm down the out-breath. As he inhales, he tries to allay and calm down the in-breath.

1. 彼正念地出息、正念地入息。[4](注,出入息)

2. 出息长时,知道“我出息长。”入息长时,知道“我入息长。”出息短时,知道“我出息短。”入息短时,知道“我入息短。” (注,长短息)

3. “出息时,我学觉知出息的全身。”“入息时,我学觉知入息的全身。” (注,全息)

4. “出息时,我学平静出息的身行。”“入息时,我学平静入息的身行。” (注,微息)


In the first stage, the attempt has to be made to keep the attention firmly fixed on the out-breath and the in-breath.


In the second stage, the attempt has to be made to perceive the long and short out-breath and in-breath respectively as long and short.


In the third stage, the attempt has to be made to experience the entire out-breath and in-breath—the beginning, middle, and end.


In the fourth stage, the attempt has to be made to allay and calm down the out-breaths and in-breaths until they become extremely gentle.


In the first stage, it is as yet not possible to perceive such details as the length of the out-breaths and in-breaths. In this stage, one has to keep one’s attention on the tip of the nose or the upper lip, as the case may be, wherever the striking of the out-breaths and in-breaths can be clearly grasped, and the attempt must be made to be aware of every out-breath and in-breath that occurs. The attempt must be made for one or two hours, or for whatever length of time one is able to put forth effort, during which the attention must be firmly tied to the tip of the nose or the upper lip. The attempt must be persisted with until every out-breath and in-breath is perceived, without any breath escaping attention.


In the second stage, when the keeping of the attention on the out-breaths and in-breaths has been mastered, one has to attempt to perceive the long out-breath and in-breath as long, and the short out-breath and in-breath as short. Even during the space of one sitting, long as well as short breaths occur. Every long breath and every short breath must be perceived as such, and the perception must cover every breath, without missing even one out-breath or one in-breath. When the out-breaths and in-breaths are exhaled and inhaled slowly, they are long; and when they are exhaled and inhaled quickly, they are short. Thus, perceiving the long and short out-breaths and in-breaths consists of perceiving the slow and quick out-breaths and in-breaths.


In the third stage, when the perception of the long and short out-breaths and in-breaths has been mastered, every breath occurring within the body must be experienced in its entirety, right from its starting point within the body through its middle to the point where it ends within the body, the extremities of the breath (start or end as the case may be) being at the tip of the nose and at the navel.


In the fourth stage, when the experiencing of every breath in its entirety has been mastered, the coarse or rough breaths must be calmed down and allayed by degrees, making them more and more gentle and delicate, until ultimately the stage is reached when one thinks that one’s out-breaths and in-breaths have entirely disappeared.


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