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达摩祖师 西来震旦 Patriarch Bodhidharma Comes from the West to China
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Patriarch Bodhidharma
Comes from the West to China

达摩祖师 西来震旦

Bodhidharma--"Bodhi" meaning enlightened and "Dharma" meaning the teachings--was the Twenty-Eighth Patriarch in India. Why didn't he stay in India and be a Patriarch there? Why did he go to China? Well, previously Shakyamuni Buddha made a prediction that from the Twenty-eighth Patriarch on, the Great Vehicle teaching should go to China.


Thus it happened that Patriarch Bodhidharma sailed from India to China.


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上一篇:中国佛法 似有似无 Buddhism Seems to Be in China, Yet It Really Is Not
下一篇:达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Patriarch Bodhidharma’s Coming from the West - 前言 Preface
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