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今世果报 饿死台城 Receiving Retribution in This Life, He Starves to Death in the Palace
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Receiving Retribution in This Life,
He Starves to Death in the Palace

今世果报 饿死台城

In this life, he was an emperor, and the monkey was reborn to be Hou Jing. Hou Jing led soldiers to attack Nanjing. After Nanjing was taken, he kept Emperor Wu in captivity in the palace and did not provide him with any food. He took all food away, and left the Emperor there to starve to death. In a previous life, the Emperor starved the monkey to death, and in this life the monkey starved him to death. He had to undergo that retribution.

所以他今生做了皇帝,这猴子就托生做侯景,这侯景带着兵,把南京攻下来,将梁武帝 关到台城里,又把所有吃的东西都拿走,不给他东西吃,因此梁武帝就饿死在那个地方。他饿死猴子,今生这猴子也同样把他饿死,就受这种果报。

Now before that happened, Patriarch Bodhidharma saw that the Emperor had done so many good deeds that he could have redeemed his offense with the merit and virtue created. However, to do so there must be some conditions. That's why the Patriarch was not polite to him. But the Emperor thought to himself, "I am an emperor, a great emperor, and you are only a poor monk. You come to my country and are utterly rude to me." So he alienated himself from the Patriarch. Though Patriarch Bodhidharma wanted to save him and brought forth a compassionate mind toward him, the Emperor could not accept him. Because the Emperor made no move to seek help from the Patriarch, there was nothing the Patriarch could do to help him. Thus, the Patriarch left and paid no more attention to the Emperor.


What happened as a result was that after a period of time, Emperor Wu was captured and starved to death in the palace by Hou Jing and his people. Such was the cause and effect. You all think about it. If the Emperor actually had merit and virtue, how could he have starved to death? It was because he did not have merit and virtue that he died of hunger. Patriarch Bodhidharma wanted to save him from his fate by helping him reach an awakening. What a pity that Emperor Wu of Liang's ego was so big that even Patriarch Bodhidharma could not save him.


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上一篇:天花乱坠 地涌金莲 The Heavens Rain Down Flowers;Golden Lotuses Well Forth from the Earth
下一篇:前生因缘 饿死狝猴 Causes and Conditions from a Previous Life: He Starved a Monkey
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