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脾气暴发 怒打祖师 Once His Temper Flares, in His Rage, He Strikes the Patriarch
{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

Once His Temper Flares, in His Rage,
He Strikes the Patriarch

脾气暴发 怒打祖师

Wah! You see, his lectures caused flowers to rain down from the heavens and golden lotuses to well up from the earth, and still he lost his temper! That's why I said Buddhism seemed to exist in China, and yet it did not. What happened when he lost his temper? What happened when he got angry? He grabbed his weapon. What was it? His string of recitation beads. His beads weren't lightweight like these "stars and moon Bodhi" beads of mine. His recitation beads were made of iron! They were hard and durable. His recitation beads were designed to be a weapon to be used in case he encountered weird entities, demons, ghosts, wolves, reptiles, tigers, or panthers. He could conveniently grab his recitation beads and attack.


This time, encountering Patriarch Bodhidharma, who had dared to challenge him so, his wrath was extreme, like a combination of tidal wave, avalanche, and earthquake. As he whipped out his beads, he snapped, "You are slandering the Dharma!" and cracked Patriarch Bodhidharma across the mouth.


{返回 达摩祖师西来意 The Intention of Coming from the West 文集}

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