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The Outcast
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WHEN Bhagavat dwelt at Savatthi in the Jetavana, he went out with his alms-bowl to beg for food and approached the house of a Brahman priest while the fire of an offering was blazing upon the altar. And the priest said: "Stay there, O shaveling; stay there, O wretched samana; thou art an outcast."

The Blessed One replied: "Who is an outcast? An outcast is the man who is angry and bears hatred; the man who is wicked and hypocritical, he who embraces error and is full of deceit. Whosoever is a provoker and is avaricious, has evil desires, is envious, wicked, shameless, and without fear to commit wrong, let him be known as an outcast. Not by birth does one become an outcast, not by birth does one become a Brahman; by deeds one becomes an outcast, by deeds one becomes a Brahman."

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上一篇:The Woman At The Well
下一篇:The Sower
 The Vanity Of Worldliness
 The Despot Cured
 The Lesson Given To Rahula
 The Buddhas Farewell
 The Giddy Fish
 The Buddha Omnipresent
 The Buddha Announces His Death
 The Bodhisattvas Renunciation
 The Mustard Seed
 The Patient Elephant
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 大方广佛华严经讲记 第九十二卷[栏目:大方广佛华严经讲记·第一集]
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