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平常心 Normality - 直取快捷方式 Taking a Shortcut
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Luangpor Teean(隆波田) 著

三摩地学会‧菩璋 译

Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

2-1. Taking a Shortcut 直取快捷方式

Today the monks, novices and laypeople are meeting here in order to study the method to develop meditation. We’re not interested in anything else because we’ve done it already. For example, making merit, being generous, upholding precepts and doing tranquility-meditation. As for insight- meditation, we’ve heard about it, but we don’t yet understand, or we’ve only practiced it a little bit. Therefore, before we start practicing insight-meditation, we have to rely on listening and reading from scriptures before we understand what tranquility- meditation is and what insight-meditation is.


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