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An Intensive Course
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An Intensive Course

Good people, scholars of sorts,
Gather here for an intensive course:
Study of the unconditioned.
In this arena, Buddhas come forth.
Whoever awakens earns honors.
Verse for starting the Chan session
Buddhist Lecture Hall, San Francisco
December 1969

{返回 The Chan Hand book 文集}

上一篇:Return of Spring
下一篇:Topple Mount Sumeru
 Neither coming nor going
 Freedom over birth and death is fre..
 States may be false or true
 Silencing the mind reveals our wisd..
 8. Verses on Chan and Chan Potentia..
 Sweep away all dharmas.Separate fro..
 As skill increases, afflictions dec..
 The flavor of lightness and ease is..
 Vajra Seed to Bodhi Sprout
 The Chan Hand book - Preface
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