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Walk with Me
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Walk with Me

Upon awakening, do not be glad.
Before awakening, do not worry.
Work as hard as you ever have.
Hand-in-hand, walk with me.

Verse for ending the Chan session
Gold Mountain Chan Monastery, San Francisco
February 18th, 1972

{返回 The Chan Hand book 文集}

上一篇:Vajra Seed to Bodhi Sprout
下一篇:Playing a Flute Without Holes
 1. Why Investigate Chan?
 Seeking a method to avoid death...
 Neither coming nor going
 By neither hurrying nor slacking of..
 By investigating Chan and sitting i..
 Full-lotus posture makes it easy to..
 Cast aside birth and death
 4a. How to Investigate Chan,Sitting..
 Go with care. Avoid demonic possess..
 Sweet dew cures many illnesses...
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