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Akusala Kamma
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Akusala Kamma

There are ten Akusala Kammas or evil actions, which are caused by deed, word, and thought. Three are caused by deed: - namely, killing-Panatipata, stealing -Adinnadana and un-chastity -Kamesu Micchacara.

Four are caused by word:- namely, lying-Musavada, slandering-Pisunavaca, harsh speech-Pharusavaca, and frivolous talk-Samphappalapa.

Three are caused by mind: - namely, covetousness-Abhijjha, ill will - Vyapada, and false views-Micchaditthi.

Killing means the destruction of any living being.. The Pali term Paññá strictly means the psychophysical life pertaining to one’s particular existence. The speedy destruction of this life force, without allowing it to run its due course, is Panatipara. Animals are also included in living beings, but not plants.

The following five conditions are necessary to complete this evil of killing:-

i a being,

ii consciousness that it is a being,

iii intention of killing,

iv effort, and

v consequent death.

The evil effects of killing are:- short life, diseased-ness, constant grief caused by separation from the loved, and constant fear.

Five conditions are necessary to complete the evil of stealing - namely,

i another’s property,

ii consciousness that it is so,

iii intention of stealing,

iv effort, and

v consequent removal.

The evil effects of stealing are:- poverty, wretchedness, unfulfilled desires, and dependent livelihood.

Four conditions are necessary to complete the evil of un-chastity - namely,

i the mind to enjoy the forbidden object,

ii the attempt to enjoy,

iii devices to obtain, and

iv possession.

The evil effects of un-chastity are - having many enemies, getting undesirables wives, birth as a woman or as an eunuch,

Four conditions are necessary to complete the evil of lying namely,

i an untrue thing,

ii intention to deceive,

iii the corresponding effort,

iv the communication of the matter to others.

The evil effects of lying are:- being tormented by abusive speech, being subject to vilification, incredibility, and a stinking mouth.

Four conditions are necessary to complete the evil of slandering - namely,

i persons that are to be divided,

ii the intention to separate them or the desire to endear oneself to one of them,

iii corresponding effort, and

iv the communication.

The evil effect of slandering is the dissolution of friendship without sufficient cause.

Three conditions are necessary to complete the evil of harsh speech - namely,

i a person to be abused,

ii angry thought, and

iii the abuse.

The evil effects of harsh speech are:- being detested by others though absolutely blameless, and a harsh voice.

Two conditions are necessary to complete the evil of frivolous talks - namely

i the inclination towards frivolous talk, and

ii its narration.

The evil effects of frivolous talk are:- defective bodily organs and incredible speech.

Covetousness has the characteristic mark of thinking "Ah, would this property were mine!" The two conditions necessary to complete this evil are:-

i another’s property and

ii adverting to it, saying:- "Would this be mine!"

The evil effect of covetousness is non-fulfillment of one’s wishes.

Two conditions are necessary to complete the evil of ill-will namely,

i another being, and

ii the thought of doing harm.

The evil effects of ill-will are:- ugliness, manifold diseases, and a detestable nature. False, view is seeing things wrongly. False beliefs, like the denial of the efficacy of deeds etc., are also included in this evil.

Two conditions are necessary to complete this evil - namely,

i perverted manner in which the object is viewed and

ii the understanding of it according to that misconception,

The evil effects of false view are:- base attachment, lack of wisdom dull wit diseases and blameworthy ideas.

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