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No Ajahn Chah《177》
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《177》有一天,阿姜 查走到一枝躺在路中的粗重树枝前,他想把它移开,于是便叫他的弟子去抬一端,他抬另一端。当他们抬起来要扔出去时,他看着弟子说:「重吗?」当他们把它扔进森林里之后,他再次问:「现在,还重吗?」阿姜 查就是如此地教导他的弟子在他们所说的一切或所做的一切中看见「法」。如此一来,他证实了「放下」的利益。

One day Ajahn Chah came upon a large, heavy branch that was lying in his path and which he wanted to move out of the way. He motioned to a disciple to get hold of one end while he lifted the other. Then when they held it ready to throw, he looked up and asked, "Is it heavy?" And after they had flung it into the forest, he asked again, "Now, is it heavy?" It was like this that Ajahn Chah taught his disciples to see Dhamma in everything they said or did. In this case, he demonstrated the benefit of "letting go".

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