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No Ajahn Chah《183》
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《183》有人曾请阿姜 查谈一谈开悟,以及他是否能描述他自己的领悟?再每个人都很急切地等待要听他回答的情况下,他说:「觉悟并不难了解,只要拿一根香焦放入你的嘴中,如此一来,你就会知道它的味道了。你必须修行方能经验觉悟,而且要不屈不挠。如果觉悟很容易的话,每个人都在做了。我八岁就开始进出寺院,出家也有四十多年了,但是你们竟想打坐个一、两晚就证得涅槃!这可不是坐下来——『嘘』的一声就开悟了!知道吧!这种事是不能抓一个人来在你头上吹一下,就使你开悟的。」

Someone once asked Ajahn Chah to talk about enlightenment; could he describe his own enlightenment? With everyone eagerly waiting to hear his answer, he said, "Enlightenment isn’t hatd to understand. Just take a banana and put it into your mouth, then you will know what it tastes like. You have to practice to experience realization, and you have to persevere. If it were so easy to become enlightened, everyone would be doing it. I started going to the temple when I was eight years old, and I have been a monk for over forty years. But you want to meditate for a night or two and go straight to Nibbana. You don’t just sit down and - zip! - there you are, you know. You can’t get someone to blow on your head and make you enlightened either.

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