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So if Buddhists don’t believe in gods, what do you believe in?
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So if Buddhists don’t believe in gods, what do you believe in?
We don’t believe in a god because we believe in man. We believe that each human being is precious and important, that all have the potential to develop into a Buddha – a perfected human being. We believe that human beings can outgrow ignorance and irrationality and see things as they really are. We believe that hatred, anger, spite and jealousy can be replaced by love, patience, generosity and kindness. We believe that all this is within the grasp of each person if they make the effort, guided and supported by fellow Buddhists and inspired by the example of the Buddha. As the Buddha says:

"No one saves us but ourselves,
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path,
But Buddhas clearly show the way".

Dp 165

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上一篇:Buddhists dont believe in a god, how do you know right from wrong
下一篇:But so many people believe in some form of god, it must be true.
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