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乐与苦 Happiness and Suffering
{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

Happiness and Suffering


A young Western monk had just arrived at one of Achaan Chah's forest monasteries and asked permission to stay and practice.

  一位年青的西方僧侣刚到阿姜 查的森林寺院中的一家分院,并请求准许留下来修行。

I hope you're not afraid of suffering" was Achaan Chah's first response.

  “我希望你不怕受苦。”阿姜 查事先声明。

Somewhat taken aback, the young Westerner explained that he did not come to suffer but to learn meditation and to live peacefully in the forest.


Achaan Chah explained, ''There are two kinds of suffering: the suffering that leads to more suffering and the suffering that leads to the end of suffering. If you are not willing to face the second kind of suffering, you will surely continue to experience the first."

  阿姜 查解释说:“苦有两种:一种是会导致更多苦的苦,另一种是会导致苦熄灭的苦。如果你不愿意去面对第二种苦的话,你一定是愿意继续经验第一种苦。”

Achaan Chah's way of teaching is usually straightforward and direct. When he meets his monks on the monastery grounds, he often asks, "Are you suffering much today?" If one answers yes, he replies, 'Well, you must have many attachments today," and then laughs with the monk about it.

  阿姜 查教导的方式通常是直接了当的。当他在寺里的庭园中碰到他的弟子时,他常常问:“你今天有没有受到很多苦啊?”如果你回答有的话,他会说:“你今天一定有很多的执著罗!”然後就跟弟子们一起笑起来。

Have you ever had happiness? Have you ever had suffering? Have you ever considered which of these is really valuable? If happiness is true, then it should not dissolve, should it? You should study this point to see what is real, what is true. This study, this meditation, leads to right understanding.


{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

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