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你为什么要修行?Why Do You Practice?
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Why Do You Practice?


A group of travelers came to visit Achaan Chah with three elegant questions: Why do you practice? How do you practice? What is the result of your practice? They were sent as a delegation by a European religious organization to ask these questions to a series of great masters throughout Asia.

  一群旅客来访阿姜 查 时,问了三个问题:你为什么要修行?你怎么修行?你修行的结果是什么?

Achaan Chah closed his eyes, waited, and then answered with three questions of his own: Why do you eat? How do you eat? How do you feel after you have eaten well? Then he laughed.

  阿姜 查阖上双眼,等了一会,然後提出三个问题做答覆:你为什么要吃?你怎么吃?你吃完以後的感觉如何?接著便哈哈大笑起来。

Later, he explained that we already understand and that teaching has to direct students back to their own inner wisdom, to their own natural Dharma. Therefore, he had reflected the search of these men throughout Asia back to the greater search within.


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