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好事过多 Too Much of a Good Thing
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Too Much of a Good Thing


When Achaan Chah arrived at a new American meditation center, the many Western students there were quickly charmed and impressed by his teaching. He was clear and direct yet loving and humorous as he poked fun at people's fears and attachments. It was exciting to have such a skilful and famous master visit. The new stories, golden-robed monks, and fresh expressions of Dharma were all wonderful. "Please do not go as soon as you planned, do try to stay a long time," the students requested. "We are so happy to have you."

  当阿姜 查抵达一个新的美国禅坐中心时,许多的西方学生很快地都被他的教导所陶醉、感动。他是那么明朗、率直,且慈爱幽默的去嘲弄人们的恐惧及执著。能有这么一位善巧、著名的大师来访,真是一件令人兴奋的事。金色僧袍僧人的新故事,和“法”的最新诠释,都绝妙不已。“请不要如期的那么快离开!试著多留久一点!”学生们恳求著:“有你在,我们真的很荣幸。”

Achaan Chah smiled. "Of course, things are nice when they are new. But if I stay and teach and make you work, you will get tired of me, won't you? How is your practice when the excitement wears off? You would be bored with me before long. How does this restless, wanting mind stop? Who can teach you that? There only can you learn the real Dharma."

  阿姜 查微笑著说:“当然罗!新鲜的事总是美好的。可是如果我留下来教导你们,并叫你们工作的话,你们就会厌烦我了,对不对?当兴致减退之後,你的修行又会如何呢?不要多久,你就会对我感到无趣了。这好动、渴求的心如何才能停下来呢?谁能教你呢?只有你自己才能够去学习真正的“法”呀!”

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上一篇:宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 第三章 生活就是我们的修行 Our Life is Our Practice
下一篇:让树(自己)成长 Let the Tree Grow
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