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宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 第三章 生活就是我们的修行 Our Life is Our Practice
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Our Life is Our Practice
第三章 生活就是我们的修行

Meditation is not separate from the rest of life. All situations provide opportunity to practice, to grow in wisdom and compassion. Achaan Chah teaches that the right effort for us is to be mindful in all circumstances without running away from the world but to learn to act without grasping or attachment.

  禅修与生活是分不开的。所有的情况都提供了修行、增长智慧和慈悲的机会。阿姜 查教导,对我们而言,正精进是:在任何状况下都保持正念,不去逃避世间,相反地,学习不去握持或执著地生活。

Furthermore, he insists that the foundation of a spiritual life is virtue. Although virtue is neglected in our modern society, it must be understood and honoured as a fundamental part of meditation. Virtue means taking care so that we do not harm other beings by thought, word, or deed. This respect and caring puts us into a harmonious relationship with all life around us. Only when our words and deeds come from kindness can we quiet the mind and open the heart. The practice of non-harming is the way to begin turning all life situations into practice.


To further establish our lives on the Middle Way, Achaan Chah recommends moderation and self reliance. A life of excess is difficult soil for the growth of wisdom. To take care with the basics-such as moderation in eating, sleeping, and in speech-helps bring the inner life into balance. It also develops the power of self-reliance. Don't imitate the way others practice or compare yourself to them, Achaan Chah cautions; just let them be. It is hard enough to watch your own mind, so why add the burden of judging others. Learn to use your own breath and everyday life as the place of meditation and you will surely grow in wisdom.

  阿姜 查提示我们要以节制及自立,进一步将我们的生活建立在中道上。放纵的生活是很难使智慧成长的。小心照料你的基本原则──例如:饮食、睡眠、语言的节制──有助於精神生活的平衡,亦有助於增长自立的能力。不要模仿别人的修行方式或和他们比较。阿姜 查提示我们:就让他们去吧!看顾自己的心已经够困难的了,又为何要再加上评断别人的负担。学习以自己的呼吸和日常生活做为禅修的地方,那么,你的智慧必然会成长。

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