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是谁病了?Who Is Sick?
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Who Is Sick?


Late in the spring of 1979, Achaan Chah visited the Insight Meditation Center in Barre, Massachusetts. He taught there for ten days and each afternoon would go for a walk around the grounds. Seeing all the students out on the lawns doing slow walking meditation, he remarked that the meditation center looked like a mental hospital for the diseases of the worldly mind. All afternoon as he wandered past students, he would call out to them, "Get well soon. I hope you get well soon."

  一九七九年春季末,阿姜 查访问在麻塞诸塞州的巴瑞市的一座禅修中心,他在那里教导了十天,每天下午他都会到广场四周走走。看著学生们在草坪上缓慢的经行,他便说这禅坐中心看起来好像一间一般心理疾病的精袖病院。整个下午,在他经过学生时,他都大声地向学生喊道:“早日康复,我祝你们能早日康复。”

Because people react differently, we must pick suitable practices. Body practices are especially suitable for persons with excessive lust or for forest monks.


In the body meditations, look at the body. See its parts, its real constituents. Start with the head, hair, body hair, nails, teeth, skin, see it everywhere. Separate them from the other body parts. Mentally peel off the skin, and see the inside. Do you want it? Seeing the true nature of the body can cut off the first three fetters:


Own-body view, sense of self. We will see that it is neither us nor ours, that nothing in this world is ours.


Skeptical doubt. Knowing things as they are  puts an end to doubt.


Attachment to a path based on rites and ritual. While still in doubt, we may think, "Perhaps this way is not so good." But once we see clearly what the body is-that it, like all things, is impermanent, unsatisfactory, and empty of self-this uncertainty is cleared up.


When meditating on the body, you need not contemplate all its thirty-two parts. If you concentrate on one and see it as it is-impermanent, unsatisfactory, empty, unclean-you will see that your body and the bodies of others are like this. If there are thirty-two ice cubes, you need only touch one to know the coldness of all.


When we develop the meditation on the impurity of the body, we are also developing the meditation on death. Indeed, when we develop one of the Dharmas, we develop them all. If we understand the fact of our own death, we can become very sensitive to all life in the world. We will naturally avoid wrongdoing and want to spend our days wisely, feeling a common bond with all beings.


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