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僧侣的生活 A Monk’s Life
{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

A Monk’s Life


Here in the forest where a monk can learn to contemplate the nature of things, he can live happily and peacefully. As he looks around, he understands that all forms of life degenerate and eventually die. Nothing that exists is permanent, and when he understands this, he begins to become serene.


Monks are trained to be content with little-to eat only what they need, to sleep only when necessary, to be satisfied with what they have. This is the foundation of Buddhist meditation. Buddhist monks do not practice meditation for selfish reasons but in order to know and understand themselves, and thus be able to teach others how to live peacefully and wisely.


Meditation does not simply involve being at peace with the world. On the contrary, confronting the self can be like walking into a raging storm. Beginning intensive practice, one often despairs at first and may even want to km oneself. Some think that a monk's life is lazy and easy-let them try it themselves and see how long they can stand it. A monk's work is hard; he works to free his heart in order to feel the loving-kindness that embraces all things. Seeing that all life rises and falls, is born and expires like the breath, he knows that nothii1g can belong to him, and thus he puts an end to suffering.


If we just practice with sincerity, the fruits of our practice will shine forth. Anyone with eyes can see. We do not have to advertise.


{返回 宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 文集}

上一篇:约制 Restraint
下一篇:宁静的森林水池 A Still Forest Pool 第五章 森林里的教导 Lessons in the Forest
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 你为什么要修行?Why Do You Practice?
全文 标题
 Buddhism - The Middle Path[栏目:Teachings in Chinese Buddhism]



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