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Sesshin Guidelines (Diamond Sangha)
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Sesshin Guidelines (Diamond Sangha)

This document describes organizational details of sesshin (a Zen meditation retreat) as practiced by members of the Sydney Zen Center of the Diamond Sangha tradition

At sesshin, we separate ourselves from our daily affairs and sink deeply into the question, "What is my essential nature?" In these special circumstances, we hold the conviction, "I, too, a human being like Shakyamuni Buddha and all succeeding founding teachers, may attain to my own fullest potential as an enlightened person."

At sesshin, we are free to be true to our hearts. We are free to transcend the background chatter of our busy, superficial minds, and to see into the fact of our own nature. After this realisation, sesshin offers us the chance to make great progress on the broad path of maturity.

The procedures outlined below are designed to provide the optimum setting for true Zen training for everyone attending this sesshin. If you have heard all this before, please listen carefully again with beginner's mind.


l) Don't talk or whisper.

2) Don't look around.

3) Don't indulge in social greetings.

These strictures are designed to free you of everyday concerns and make it easier to keep your zazen attention and awareness in everything that you do.

If it is absolutely necessary for you to talk to a work leader - please do so as quietly and succinctly as possible.

Don't write notes to anyone, especially the cooks. Don't seek or give counsel to your brother and sister students.

If you have any problem about logistics please refer to the Jisha. If you have any other problems, such as illness, an emergency or a personal problem, please refer to the Tanto. Unless there is an urgent emergency, wait until the break period before approaching the leader.

Avoid eye contact with other people. Don't bother to gassho to each other, and don't bother with the normal courtesies such as waiting for another at doorways. The first to the doorway should simply go straight through.


The schedule and seating plan for the dojo are both posted outside the door.

Please keep strictly to your allocated place and don't interfere with anyone else's mats or cushions.


Clothing should be plain and dark coloured, preferably black. It should be loose-fitting. Don't wear shorts or singlets as shoulders should be covered. You may keep a jumper neatly folded at your place in case of cold weather. Don't use blankets to drape around yourself. Shoes: Shoes should be removed before you step up onto the verandah and placed on the shoe shelf to keep the verandah quiet and clean. When you leave the dojo, collect your shoes and sit on the verandah edge to put them on. The shoe shelf is just for shoes. Hats and coats take up too much space.


Unless you have a job which requires wearing a watch (leaders and cooks) don't wear one. Sesshin gives you a rare chance to forget time.


Don't wear strong-smelling perfume or aftershave. It can be distracting to your brothers and sisters. Insect repellant and sunscreen is provided.


Always be at your place early, and do not leave until you have been given the signal to do so. Do not enter or leave the dojo during periods of zazen or during ceremonies or talks. Always attend every group function. If some extreme emergency arises, speak to the Tanto about it. Do not ask to leave just because you are upset. Such times can be important for your zazen. Your absence would inevitably disturb the group spirit. Never leave without speaking first with the Tanto. If you do, we will be obliged to search for you to be sure that you are all right, or even to suspend the sesshin so that everyone may look for you. It is not enough to leave a note for the Tanto in such circumstances. Don't go too far away at the breaks or fall asleep in a far paddock. You won't be able to hear the han announcing the next period - always stay within earshot.

7. TELEPHONE; (irrelevant at Gorricks Run)

Don't use the phone or arrange for any calls to be made to you. If there is some urgent need to use the phone, please talk to the Tanto first.


Be very careful when opening and closing doors to cause the least possible noise. Doors to be left open should be wedged or hooked into position. Don't stand about in doorways. Move well clear, especially when entering or leaving the dojo.


Don't touch windows in the dojo. The leaders will look after them for you.


If there are any smokers here, please only smoke during the breaks, and go far away. Wash your hands and face before coming back to the dojo, and don't smoke in your dojo clothes as the smell lingers on. Fire is a real hazard at Gorrick's Run, so take extreme care when lighting matches, or stubbing out butts. Better still, don't smoke up here at all.


It is important to prevent colds and other illnesses going round the group. Please wash your hands carefully before handling any food, and after work periods. Hot showers will be available every second day, alternating the upstairs and downstairs dojos, during the lunch break. Tomorrow will be hot shower day for upstairs people. Conserve water by turning off the water supply while soaping up. Half a bucket is ample. It is essential that you don't indulge in long showers as we have lots of people and few showers.

At Gorrick's Run there are two open showers, and one cubicle. Cold showers can be taken down at the creek, but do not wash off your soap into the creek. Take a bucket down with you, and wash off with that. Up here, water is precious, please be mindful about how it is used. Do not wash hands, clothes or utensils under running water. A mugful of water will suffice to wash soap off hands. If you notice others misusing water, tell the Jisha, who will remind people.

During sesshin in hot weather it is most important that you drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Make it a practice to have a cup of water every second period.

(The following pages contain guidlelines for meal ceremonies and signals. It has been our practice to ask those new to sesshin, or those who feel rusty about tea and meal ceremonies, to meet with the Ino in a group, to go through the following procedures. Note: Since Autumn l99l sesshin, people can continue eating when servers enter dojo for seconds.)

12. TEA:

When the server appears before you, bow with your hands at gasssho, then hold your cup or bowl beside that of your neighbour with one hand, while holding your other hand next to the cup, palm up. When the serving of tea is sufficient, raise your free hand smartly. This is the signal for the server to stop pouring. Be mindful of the server's line of vision and keep your signalling hand close to the cup. Remember a brisk gesture communicates more clearly than a vague wave of your hand.

13. MEALS:

When the server appears before you for the first serving of a meal, bow with your hands at gassho. When the server extends a hand in your direction, place your bowl firmly in the palm of his or her hand, and then come to gassho. When the server has given you enough, rub your hands together audibly. Always accept something from each main dish during the first serving of a meal.

While the server is helping your neighbour, speed the serving process by helping yourself to those dishes within reasonable reach. When the server rises to move on to the next group of people, bow again with your hands at gassho. If you are the last person to be served, bow holding your bowl in your left hand, resting it on your left thigh, and covering it with your right hand.

Avoid touching your food with fingers or eating utensils until eating begins, except to make your offering of a small quantity of grain, cereal or bread when the offering dish is passed. At breakfast and noon, eating begins at the end of a sutra which is recited with your first bowl held before you at eye level. Take your first bite from this bowl before putting it down. At the evening meal, no sutras are recited, and eating begins on a signal from the Ino.

When the servers enter the dojo for the second serving, you may continue eating unless you want a second helping. When the server nears your place in line, bring your hands to gassho without bowing If you indicate you do want more, the server will stop in front of you, and you should hold out your bowl in the direction of the dish from which you wish to be served. At the end of the meal, each person washes his or her bowls with tea and dries them with the cloth provided. After the bowls have been washed, drink all the tea except a small amount, which is offered when the jug is passed for it. Make this offering carefully and respectfully, as with the grain offering.

There will be three bells at the end of each meal. At the first, rise with your bowl. At the second, bow and straighten your place and return to your regular place if you moved for the meal. At the third, bow, then go to your resting or work place.


Please handle your bowls and utensils quietly at all times. Don't speak to the servers, or attempt signals other than those specified. Eat as heartily as you wish, but do not lag behind in finishing. Eat everything you accept. Stay out of the kitchen unless you have an assignment there. Do not speak or write notes to the cooks for any reason.

Food and food trips (such as fruitarianism and fasting) can be extremely preoccupying during sesshin. Make up your mind in advance that, for the interval of sesshin, you will let go of your particular convictions in this area, and will eat with the rest of us as one of the group. Please avoid loading up on one or two particular dishes, or picking and choosing among dishes. People who do not eat animal products need not take cheese or milk or eggs: they will be offered separately, not as ingredients in main dishes. Do not fast. Be circumspect about following these guidelines, and you will maintain your strength for zazen. If you have a medically assigned diet, special arrangements may be made if they have not been already, by talking to the Jisha. Do not take food that has been set aside for those with special diets, ie rice crackers.


Approach the dojo with your hands in the kinhin position, gassho at the door, facing the altar, then walk to your seat with your hands in the kinhin position. Keep to the sides of the dojo, rather than walking diagonally, and walk silently and briskly. Bow to your seat, turning so that you do not place your back to the altar as you do so. Then turn again facing into the dojo and bow to the Sangha. Turn again, plump your zafu if necessary and sit down.

Gassho again whenever leaving the dojo, facing the altar, except when leaving to go to dokusan, or during formal kinhin.


Kinhin or walking meditation is an opportunity to continue zazen while walking, a transition from the cushion to the everyday world. Kinhin comes at the end of every period of zazen (with a few exceptions), and is signalled by the Jikijitsu with two bells. (Demonstrate bells) When you hear the bells, gassho. Carefully unfold your feet and swing around on your cushion in the direction of the altar, place your feet firmly on the floor and stand up. Wait there with your hands in the kinhin mudra. Be very careful if your feet or legs have gone numb. Make sure the feeling has returned before attempting to stand. If necessary, remain seated on your cushion for the first round of kinhin and rejoin the line when your place comes round again. While everybody is standing, there will be a pause before the Jiki hits the clappers for people to leave the dojo to use the toilet or to join the dokusan line. If you wish to leave, gassho, then walk briskly down the dojo with hands in kinhin position.

The beginning of kinhin is signalled by Jiki with the clappers. You gassho then turn left and begin the slow walk with hands in kinhin mudra. Key your breathing to the number of footsteps and let your facial muscles relax into a half smile. Breathing out may take you three steps, breathing in, two - whatever is natural. Remember your breath counting, or 'mu'. Keep up with the person in front maintaining the same distance between you and that person. If a few people near you have left the dojo, that distance can be quite a way.

When the end of kinhin is approaching, the Jiki will signal with a clap. Keep walking until you are at your place, then stop, face inwards and wait for the Jiki to lead a silent gassho which you join in. Then turn in the direction of the altar, gassho to your cushion, and sit down. If you wish to pick up an extra cushion or use a chair, do so after the initial group bow.

You may leave the kinhin line to go to the toilet, to your job (cooks) or to the dokusan line either at the beginning of kinhin as mentioned, or as the line passes the dojo door. Gassho as you leave the line.

To return to the line. If you return from the toilet while kinhin is going on, you may wait until your empty place in the line comes past the dojo door, then gassho and rejoin the line. If your place has already passed, wait at the dojo door until the end of kinhin, then when the sangha bows, gassho, and return to your palace.

Kinhin may be outdoors sometimes. This will be announced. Leave the dojo in line, then find your shoes and hat and join the line without attempting to keep to dojo positions.


At Gorrick's Run there are three toilets. Preferably pee outside behind the building, not in the space between dojo and hojo.


When the Ino rings the inkin with an accelerando, there will be three full bows. (Demonstrate)

l8. ZAZEN:

If anyone is not familiar with the practice that we do here, or has not been oriented into posture and breathing, please put up your hands and we'll go through that after this.

A Warning. Please be very careful and aware of your bodies. Don't force yourself to maintain uncomfortable or difficult positions. Feel free to use a chair if you cannot stay on your cushions without pain. Use support cushions or kneeling benches if necessary. When getting up from sitting in cross-legged positions be careful, cradle your knees. It is quite easy to damage knees.

Relax down into your sitting position, move your body gently before settling down.

Moving. Try to be as steady as possible throughout the sitting period. Ignore minor irritations. If it is necessary lto adjust your position because you are in pain, and you must be the judge of this, do so carefully and slowly, keeping your practice going throughout. Be careful though - a single unnecessary shift in position can set off a chain of moves.

Using a chair: Use a chair for a whole sitting block rather than chopping and changing. Fold your zabuton in half. Remember to be sitting on your zafu or bench at mealtimes. (Demonstrate)

Neatness. Keep your place and yourselves tidy and neat all the time.


Unless you are working on koans, don't write or read anything during sesshin. Sesshin is a wonderful opportunity to concentrate solely on the matter at hand. If you are writing and reading, do so unobtrusively.


For the sutra period in the morning, the Shodoka reading, and closing ceremony at night, sutra books will be handed out. Keep them on the back of your mat when not in use, not on the floor. When using them, hold them thus (demonstrate). Sutra books are not handed out before Teisho.


There will be a teisho every day at 2.00 p.m. The Jiki will say, "Prepare for Teisho" and everyone stands at their place. After gassho, move with zafu to your place under the chestnut tree with your hands in kinhin mudra.

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上一篇:Powerful Guide to Zen Practice: Translation of the Shodoka
下一篇:Sesshin Cautions: Organizational Details of Sesshin
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 Sesshin Cautions: Organizational De..
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 Sesshin Guidelines (Diamond Sangha)..
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