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陷阱 Trap
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The Buddha taught that the objects of the senses are a trap, a trap of Mara's. It is a hunter's trap and the hunter is Mara. If animals are caught in a hunter's trap, it's a sorrowful predicament. They are caught fast and are held waiting for the owner of the trap. Have you ever snared birds? The snare springs and - boop! - caught by the neck! A good strong string holds it fast. Wherever the bird flies, it cannot escape. It flies here and flies there, but it's held tight, waiting for the owner of the snare to come. When the hunter comes along, that's it! The bird is struck with fear and there is no escape. The trap of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch and mind-objects is the same. They catch us and bind us fast.

{返回 森林里的一棵树 A Tree in a Forest 文集}

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