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解脱心 A Heart Released 十二、三根本说法
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§12. The Mulatika Discourse.


Tika means three. Mula means root. Together they mean 'things that are roots in sets of three.' Passion, aversion, and delusion are three, termed the roots of what is unwise. Craving comes in threes: sensual craving, craving for becoming, and craving for no becoming. The floods and effluents (asava) of the mind each come in threes: sensuality, states of becoming, and unawareness. If a person falls in with these sorts of threes, then,

   Tika意即‘三’,意为‘根部’,合起来意即‘根植于三的事物’,也就是贪、嗔、痴,称为三不善根。渴爱来自三者:感官的渴爱(中译注:欲爱),形成(中译注:有)的渴爱(中译注:色爱),和不形成的渴爱(中译注:无色爱),心意的氾 滥和流出都来自三者:感官、形成状态和无明,如果一个人陷入这三类之中,然后就会 tiparivatta'三转’:


He or she will have to keep spinning around in threes, and so the three realms — the realms of sensuality, form, and formlessness — will have to continue as they are, for these threes are the roots of the three realms.


The remedy also comes in threes: virtue, concentration, and discernment. When people practice in line with the virtue, concentration, and discernment forming the cure, then,

  治疗的方法也是来自三者:美德(中译注:戒),专注(中译注:定)和辨识力(中译注:慧)。当人们的修习与戒、定、慧一致时,那就构成了疗效,然后就 na tipariv-atta:‘非三转’:

na tiparivattam:

They won't have to keep spinning in threes. The three realms won't exist. In other words, they will gain utter release from the three realms.


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 解脱心 A Heart Released 十二、三根本说法
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