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32. The Buddha and the Sick Monk
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(Part One) 32. The Buddha and the Sick Monk

One day the Buddha visited a monastery. While he was there he came across a chamber where a monk lay in great pain caused by a loathsome disease. Although there were many other monks at the monastery, not one of them was concerned about their sick brother. The Buddha, beholding this woeful situation, began to look after the suffering man. He called Ananda and together they bathed the monk, changed his dirty bed and eased his pain.

Then the Buddha admonished the monks of the monastery for their neglect and encouraged them to nurse the sick and care for the suffering. He concluded by saying, "Whosoever serves the sick and suffering, serves me."

{返回 Life of the Buddha 文集}

上一篇:1. The Buddhas Daily Routine
下一篇:31. Sunita, the Scavenger
 23. The Order of Nuns
 10. The Four Sights: a Monk
 24. The Story of Prince Nanda
 3. King Bimbisara, Royal Patron..
 4. The Princes Education
 20. The Quarrel at Kosambi
 1. The Buddhas Daily Routine
 12. King Bimbisaras Offer
 31. The Buddhas Last Words
 21. The Buddhas Attitude Towards Ot..
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