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Fate Is in Your Own Hands
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Fate Is in Your Own Hands

Once upon a time, there was a general who was leading his army into battle against an enemy ten times the size of his own.

Along the way to the battle field, the troops stopped by a small temple to pray for victory.

The general held up a coin and told his troops, "I am going to implore the gods to help us crush our enemy. If this coin lands with the heads on top, we'll win. If it's tails, we'll lose. Our fate is in the hands of the gods. Let's pray wholeheartedly."

After a short prayer, the general tossed the coin. It landed with the heads on top. The troops were overjoyed and went into the battle with high siprit.

Just as predicted, the smaller army won the battle.

The soldiers were exalted, "It's good to have the gods on our side! No one can change what they have determined."

"Really?" The general show them the coin--both sides of it were heads.

{返回 A Collection of Buddhist Stories 文集}

上一篇:A Pile of Dry Shit
下一篇:Because Im Here
 The Monkey King
 The Hungry Dog
 Man Wounded by an Arrow
 Fate Is in Your Own Hands
 Carrying and Leaving
 On Vacation
 Searching for Answers in the Holy B..
 The Story of the Hoe
 Because Im Here
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