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97.为母鸡说情 Spare An Old Hen
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  It was a happy gathering. The host told Lian Yucheng, "I'm overjoyed you could come, and from such a distance! I'll spread out an extra special feast for this occasion."

Lian said, "You don't have to go to so much trouble for a relative. It's not like I was an imperial official or something."

  Another relative said, "We've got a nice, fat hen ready for the knife. We'll butcher her tomorrow morning and eat her for lunch tomorrow."

  Lian didn't like big fancy meals in the first place, and in the second place, he felt sorry for the hen, so he thought up an excuse. "I eat only vegetarian food on certain days, and tomorrow is my vegetarian day, so I have to ask you not to kill that hen for me. Your sincerity fills my heart better than a hen could fill my stomach."

  "Well, if you insist. Then we'll all eat vegetarian food tomorrow," his relative said.

Then, all too early, it was time for Lian Yucheng to end his visit and go home. On his way back, he got to a wide river and waited for the ferry.

  Little did he imagine that as soon as he got on the ferry, an old man with a white beard on the shore pointed at him and shouted, "There's a liar on board! Somebody said he's a vegetarian, but he's no such thing at all! Don't take him across the river on your ferry!"

  With that, the people on the boat started asking who the culprit was. Finally,Lian confessed. "I told a white lie, but I didn't do it to hurt anybody." The other people didn't care what reason he gave, they didn't want him on board any more, so pushing and pulling, they got him off the ferry, and threw his luggage on the shore after him. Then they cast off.

  Lian was pretty mad. He decided to find that old guy and ask who told him to butt into Lian's business. But the funny thing was that he couldn't find the old guy, so he just sat on the shore with his luggage watching the ferry get smaller and smaller as it crossed the river.

  But then suddenly a terrible storm came up. The wind blew so mightily that before they could cross to the other side, the ferry went down with all hands. Not a single person on the ferry survived.

  Lian never knew that when he spared that old hen, he was saving his own life!








  船上的人听到这话,便开始查问到底谁是这个骗子。最后,连玉成不得不坦白了,“我是撒了善意的谎,可是我并没有伤害任何人。 ”其他的人根本不听他的解释,他们不想让他留在船上,于是人们又推又拉,把连玉成赶下了船,还把他的行李扔在了岸边。然后,人们起锚出发了。




{返回 放生故事 The Story About Free Captive Animals 文集}

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