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 The Chan Hand book - Contents 阅读:1504
 The Chan Hand book - Preface 阅读:1412
 1. Why Investigate Chan? 阅读:1488
 Freedom over birth and death is freedom to come and go 阅读:1596
 The great functioning of the entire substance is clearly understood 阅读:1605
 By investigating Chan and sitting in meditation, we can gain enlightenment 阅读:1475
 We want to learn how not to be attached to self and others 阅读:1461
 Meditation and samadhi are vital to our Dharma-body 阅读:1431
 Sitting long brings Chan, which cleanses and purifies the mind 阅读:1381
 2. What is Chan? 阅读:1407
 Twirling a flower, the Buddha revealed the mind-to-mind seal 阅读:1545
 Only quiet contemplation can initiate Chan 阅读:1573
 Thought cultivation eliminates false thinking 阅读:1413
 Silencing the mind reveals our wisdom 阅读:1445
 The flavor of lightness and ease is infinitely wonderful 阅读:1445
 3. Ten Benefits of Chan 阅读:1487
 4a. How to Investigate Chan,Sitting Meditation 阅读:1489
 Full-lotus posture makes it easy to enter samadhi. 阅读:1464
 Once your legs no longer ache, you have really begun investigating Chan. 阅读:1508
 Sit straight without leaning. 阅读:1523

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