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We want to learn how not to be attached to self and others
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We want to learn how not to be attached to self and others

All things come to life,
each time spring returns.
Shatter empty space, be free and at ease.
Break attachments, let self and others go.
Expand to fill the Dharma Realm,
however vast that is.

When we investigate Chan, we have the chance to be enlightened. The brightness of our self-nature will shine forth just as when spring returns to the great earth and everything comes to life again. Empty space is originally without shape. When even this shapeless void has been shattered, one becomes free. From then onwards, one no longer attaches to the mark of others or the mark of self. The Dharma Realm may be large but we can still encompass it. Having done that, will we not be great heroes?

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上一篇:Meditation and samadhi are vital to our Dharma-body
下一篇:By investigating Chan and sitting in meditation, we can gain enlightenment
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