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Temptation Of Mara The Evil One
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Temptation Of Mara The Evil One

His prolonged painful austerities proved utterly futile. They only resulted in the exhaustion of his energy. Though physically a superman, on account of his delicate nurture as a prince, he could not possibly stand the great strain. His graceful form faded almost beyond recognition. His golden-colored skin turned pale, blood dried up, sinews and muscles shriveled, and his eyes were sunk and blurred.

At this critical stage, Mara approached the ascetic Gotama and said:-

"You are lean and deformed. Near to you is death. A thousand parts (of you belong) to death; to life (there remains) but one. Live, O good sir; life is better. Living you could perform merit. By leading a life of celibacy and making fire sacrifices, much merit could be acquired. What will you do with this striving? Hard is the path of striving, difficult and not easily accomplished."

He replied:

"O Evil One, kinsman of the heedless! You have come here for your own sake. Even an iota of merit is of no avail. To them who are in need of merit it behooves you, Mara, to speak thus. Confidence - Saddha, self-control - Tapo, energy-Viriya, and wisdom - Paññá are mine. Why do you question me, who am thus intent, about life?"

"Even the streams of rivers will this wind dry up. Why should not the blood of one who is thus striving dry up? When the blood dries up, the bile and phlegm also dry up. When my flesh wastes away, more and more does my mind get clarified. Still more do my mindfulness, wisdom, and concentration become firm."

"While I live thus, experiencing the utmost pain, my mind does not long for lust. Behold the purity of a being!"

Sense-desires - Kama, is your first enemy,

The second is called Aversion - Arati,

The third is Hunger and Thirst- Khuppipasa,

The fourth is called Craving- Tanha,

The fifth is Sloth and Torpor- Thina-Middha,

The sixth is called Fear- Bhaya,

The seventh is Doubt - Vicikiccha, and

The eighth is Detraction and Obstinacy- Makkha-Thambha,

The ninth is Profit - Labha, Praise- Siloka, Honour- Sakkara, and that ill-gotten Fame-Yasa.

The tenth is the extolling of oneself and the contempt of others.

"This is your army, the opposing host of the Evil One. That army the coward does not over-come, but he who overcomes obtains happiness."

"This Munja do I display! What boots life in this world! Better for me is death in the battle than that one should live on, vanquished!". With these words the ascetic Gotama dismissed Mara and made a firm determination to attain his goal, Buddhahood.

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