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A Paean of Joy - Udana Gatha
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Soon After The Enlightenment:

A Paean of Joy - Udana Gatha

Thro’ many a birth in Samsara wandered I,
Seeking but not finding, the builder of this house.
Sorrowful is repeated birth.
O house-builder! Thou art seen.
Thou shalt build no house again,
All thy rafters are broken,
thy ridge-pole is shattered.
The Mind attains the Unconditioned.
Achieved is the End of Craving.
Dhammapada w. 153, 154

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 The Four Modes Of Birth
 Invitation To Teach The Dhamma
 Ashoka Missioners
 His Struggle For Enlightenment
 The Mangala Sutta - Blessing
 The Buddha’s Greatness
 The Buddha and Prince Rahula
 The Second Council
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