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当前栏目:[佛教徒信仰的是什么 What Buddhists Believe?]文集

 佛教与政治 Buddhism and Politics 阅读:1787
 第十二章 婚姻.节育和死亡 Marriage, Birth Control And Death 阅读:1877
 节育.堕胎和自杀 Birth Control, Abortion and Suicide 阅读:1877
 性与宗教 Sex and Religion 阅读:2167
 第十三章 自然.价值观和宗教信仰 Chapter 13 Nature, Value And Choice Of Religious Beliefs 阅读:2038
 「神」的概念 The God-Idea 阅读:2190
 天堂的捷径 Short-cut to Paradise 阅读:1797
 第十四章 佛教与文化 Promoter of True Human Culture 阅读:1649
 科学时代的宗教 Religion in a Scientific Age 阅读:1760
 佛教与科学 Buddhism and Science 阅读:1814
 科学的局限性 Limitations of Science 阅读:1762
 知识的盲点 Learned Ignorance 阅读:1623
 科学以外 Beyond Science 阅读:1616
 科学与宗教 Science Without Religion 阅读:1712
 佛教的贡献 Tribute to Buddhism 阅读:1648
 宗教自由 Religion of Freedom 阅读:1696
 传教 Buddhist Missionaries 阅读:2017
 第十五章 战争与和平 War And Peace 阅读:1663
 正义的战争 Can We Justify War? 阅读:1725
 佛教徒与参军 Can a Buddhist Join the Army? 阅读:2017

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