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The Monk W hose Body Stunk
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The Monk W hose Body Stunk

NCE WHEN THE BUDDHA was wandering about teaching and preaching, he came upon a community of his monks in which one of them was suffering from a debilitating skin disease. Sores that continually oozed blood and pus covered his body from head to foot. Too weak to wash himself or his stained robes, a nauseating stench had settled about him which none of his brother monks could bear. And so he was left alone, unable to fend for himself. It was in this pitiful state that the Buddha found him and immediately proceeded to look after him.

First, the Buddha went to boil some water and brought it back to bathe the monk. Then, as he was trying to carry the monk outside to bathe him, the other monks saw him and came to help. They all took hold of the couch that the sick monk was lying on and carried him to a place where he was gently scrubbed clean. In the meantime, his clothes were taken away and washed. When they were dry, they dressed the sick monk in fresh clean robes, which made him also feel clean and fresh.

The Buddha then admonished the bhikkhus present, saying, “Bhikkhus, here you have no mother or father to take care of you when you are sick. Who will take care of you then if you don't take care of one another? Remember whenever you look after a sick person, it is as if you were looking after me myself.”

He then followed with a small sermon in which he said that although it was true that the body would one day be as useless as a fallen log, while it was still alive, it should be taken care of.

He then followed with a small sermon in which he said that although it was true that the body would one day be as useless as a fallen log, while it was still alive, it should be taken care of.

Before long, alas, this body will lie lifeless on the
ground, discarded like a useless log.
Verse 41

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上一篇:A Father who became a Mother
下一篇:The Fickle-Minded Monk
 The Unfortunate Hunter
 The Cloth Baby
 The Great Pretenders
 The Lady and the Ogress
 The Abusive Brothers
 Not Even for Free
 The Impermanence of Beauty
 The Pregnant Bhikkhuni
 The Fickle-Minded Monk
 The Wandering Mind
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