《慈悲经》简介 梁国雄居士
慈悲心是一种善法欲,初修慈心禅时,散发慈心和善念的对象不宜一开始就选择自己不喜欢的人、自己的仇敌、或是异性。宜先向自己、然后选一自己最喜欢、仰慕或专敬的人、然后喜欢的亲友、然后不喜欢也不厌恶的人(如陌生人)、然后不喜欢的人、然后自己所厌恶的怨敌、最后是所有其他众生。熟练后,亦可因应环境和需求,向特定的某一(或某类)众生或有情,集中散发善念,亦可一般性地,先向自己,后向所有众生,或上下、四维所有众生散发善念。例如:「愿我能远离危难、忧虑、苦痛,得到快乐、安祥宁静、以及对想望已久的好结果感到满意。」「愿所有众生(或分为人、天人、其他众生;亦可由近处渐渐推至远处的人)皆能 …… 。」
> 愿一切众生皆能快乐、安稳、以及心智健康。
> 愿一切众生 ── 无论是弱或强,高或矮,长或短,强壮或中等,大或小,看得到的或看不到的,住在远方的或住在近处的,已生的或即将出生的 …,无一例外,皆心境快乐。
> 愿不论何处,不管谁都不会欺骗任何人、蔑视任何人;愿他在盛怒或恶意时,也不会伤害他人。
> 愿他能像一个不顾自身安危、保护着她的独子的母亲一样,培养到对一切众生的无限慈爱。
> 让他无限的慈爱普及全世界,遍于十方,没有障碍与阻挠,没有仇恨,也没有敌意。
无论行、住、坐、卧,祇要醒着,他都必须发展他的正念(修习四念处),这才是智者所称的"梵行 ── 最清高的行为"。
(注1) 慈悲:慈爱众生(包括自己在内)并给与快乐(与乐),称为慈;同感其苦,怜悯众生,并拔除其苦(拔苦),称为悲;二者合称为慈悲。
(注2) 善:能于现在世、未来世中,给与自他利益之法,泛指与善心相应之一切思想行为。
(注3) 善法:指合乎于「善」之一切道理,即指五戒、十善、三学、六度。为「恶法」之对称。五戒、十善为世间之善法,三学、六度为出世间之善法,二者虽有深浅之差异,而皆为顺理益世之法,故称为善法。
(注4) 贤明人士:通情达理、有道德或良好行为和习惯的各阶层人士。
Metta Sutta (Buddha's Discourse on Loving-Kindness)
He who is skilled in his good and who wishes to attain that state of calm should act like this: He should be able, upright, perfectly upright, obedient, gentle and humble.
He should be contented, easily supportable, with few duties, of light livelihood, controlled in senses, discreet, not impudent, not be greedily attached to families.
He should not commit any slight wrong such that other wise men might censure him. May all beings be happy and secure; may their hearts be wholesome!
Whatsoever living beings there be; feeble or strong, long, stout or medium, short, small or large, seen or unseen. Those dwelling far or near, those who are born and those who are to be born ? may all beings, without exception, be happy minded! Let not one deceive another nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. In anger or ill-will, let him not wish any harm to another.
Just as a mother would protect her only child, at the risk of her own life, even so let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.
Let thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world:- above, below and across without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.
Whether he stands, walks, sits or lies down, as long as he is awake, he should develop this mindfulness. This, they say, is the Highest Conduct here.
Not falling into error, virtuous, and endowed with insight, he discards attachment to sensuous desires. Of a truth, he does not come again for conception in a womb.