Wisdom Develops Samadhi
by Acariya Maha Boowa Ñanasampanno
Translated by Acariya Panyavaddho
0. Introduction
1. Sila
2. Samadhi 1
3. Samadhi 2
4. Samadhi 3
5. Wisdom
6. Glossary
Translator’s Introduction
This book ‘Wisdom Develops Samadhi’ is one of the few books written by Acariya Maha Boowa (Bhikkhu Nanasampanno) who is now the abbot of Baan Taad Forest Monastery, which is situated in the country-side close to the village where he was born and brought up. When he was old enough he ordained as a monk and some while afterwards he went away to find a meditation teacher. He was directed towards the Venerable Acariya Mun (Bhuridatta Thera) and Acariya Maha Boowa has said that as soon he met Acariya Mun, he knew that Acariya Mun was his teacher. He learnt and practised under the guidance of Acariya Mun for nine years until Acariya Mun died at the age of eighty years, after which Acariya Maha Boowa practised the way on his own in the hills and forests of Thailand. He then wandered throughout the country, going to nearly every province until he was offered land by supporters near his home village to build a forest monastery. Since then, he settled down and has lived there since.
Many words in ‘Wisdom Develops Samadhi’ have been left in Pali because there is often no adequate translation in English; it is hoped the reader will forgive any difficulties that this may make, but it is felt better that the reader should not-understand rather than mis-understand. However, a fairly comprehensive glossary has been included at the back, which should cover all the Pali words that are not actually explained in the text.
It is hoped that this book will bring the Dhamma to many people and that it will help people to realise that the living Dhamma is still extant and is not just a thing of the distant past or of the distant future when the next Buddha comes. May all who read this book gain from it that which will aid them towards the supreme happiness of Nibbana.
Bhikkhu Pannavaddho Baan Taad Forest Monastery, 2003
Wisdom Develops Samadhi